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How to Play Modes

The technical definition of a mode is found in this lesson. But for us soloing guitarists, "modes" also refers to the method of playing major scales all over the neck.

Why Learn Modes?

Many guitarists do fine with the pentatonic scales alone. If you learn those all over the neck and how to wield them, pentatonic scales can be very useful for lots of kinds of music. But a pentatonic scale only has five notes, whereas a major scale has seven. So when you play pentatonics, you're really playing a subset of a "real" major scale. And those two notes make a big difference. After memorizing these seven shapes and learning to connect the modes, you will be able to solo in any key anywhere on the fretboard. This is huge!

Why This Way?

You may have learned the modes a bit differently somewhere else. I have seen several different ways, but this way makes the most sense.

As you play through these, make sure you alternate pick. Every "stretch" should use your middle finger and pinky. All the modes listed below are in the key of G, which is G A B C D E F# G. Every mode starts on a different note in the scale.

The Modes

G Ionian


A Dorian


B Phrygian


C Lydian


D Mixolydian


E Aeolian


F# Locrian


Learn these well. I've spent over a decade learning these and still practice them all the time. They are my bread and butter for soloing anywhere I want on the neck.

Moving Modes

The mode system is MOVABLE, just like the CAGED system. If you're jamming in the key of A, for instance, just start in A Ionian and continue up using B Dorian, C# Phrygian, etc.

After you memorize each shape separately, connect the mode shapes. Every note you play in one mode is shared in two other modes, so you can move fluidly between shapes. Try soloing using two modes at a time, practicing moving back and forth as you solo.