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About ImprovHQ

This site is designed to help you become a better soloist on the guitar. All of the lessons have been carefully crafted to this end.

Soloing: Lots to Learn

Sure, everyone wants to be a good shredder. But there's a lot to it. You could just learn your favorite tabs and try to figure out what your favorite artists are doing - maybe someday you'd be able to play all their songs! But then you'd still lack understanding of *why* you're playing what you're playing and how to create your own killer solos.

The best improvisers usually know more than just how to move their fingers and pick really fast.

How to Use

You can't get better at soloing by reading about soloing. All the content here is useless to you unless you read it and then put it into practice! So slowly read the lesson, get what you can out of it, and then practice the techniques when you're playing. Some of these can take years to master. I've been soloing for years and I still stink at many aspects of it (but have improved in others). Don't expect this or any site to make you instantly better at improvisation, but consider it a guide on the way down a long path.

The lessons are divided into categories:


My own bias is toward rock, metal, alternative, jazz, blues, and classical. But no matter what kind of music you like, I hope you will learn something here that will help you solo to whatever progressions, songs, and genres you want.

Your Skills

I've been a guitar teacher for over ten years, so I realize that this site may be above the level of some students. This isn't a beginner guitar course (there's plenty of those out there). Perhaps in the future I'll add more beginner content, but for now it's for players that know the "basics" of guitar playing such as all basic chords, barre chords, and a few scales.