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The Minor DAE System

Since you're so good at the major CAGED system, it's time to learn the minor shapes all over the fretboard. This will be a bit easier since there's only three "basic" minor chord shapes. All the shapes below are D minor:

Unlike the major CAGED system, the minor one isn't really CAGED... it's more like DAE, because the three "basic" chords we're moving around are Dm, Am, and Em. Since there's only three of them, it's a bit harder to connect. But if you know your notes on the E and A strings, it'll be much easier to find them.

Just like the major CAGED system, once you're comfortable moving these three shapes around you can experiment with playing only fragments of the shapes. It's very common to play the top three strings of each shape, yielding the following D minor chords:


And just like the major system, once you master this pattern for some different chords, try thinking fluidly about any random minor chord and play it at least three different ways.

Chord Master

At this point, you should have major and minor chords mastered all over the neck. For any progression with major and minor chords, you should be able to play it in several different places without too much thought.